Go BackVisual Basic 6: Coding the Details

Visual Basic 6: Coding the Details examines some of Visual Basic's coding tools for building applications.

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to use Visual Basic 6 to create message and input boxes and use comparisons and looping structures.

4 hours

Product Code: V6BC03
After completing Visual Basic 6: Coding the Details, the user should be able to:
Use Visual Basic's built-in functions
Use message and input boxes
Include remarks in the program
Use comparisons in an application
Utilize looping structures in code

Built-in Functions
A function preview
A MsgBox() and InputBox() overview

Message and Input Boxes
Examining MsgBox()
Examining InputBox()

How remarks are used
Two kinds of remarks

Comparison operators
Using ASCII values
Keeping datatypes consistent

The If Statement
The If…Then statement
The body of the If statement
The If statement's Else branch

Working with Comparisons
Compound comparisons with logical operators
Working with multiple conditions
Multiple choice with Select Case

Do Loops
A brief introduction to Do loops
The Do While… loop
The Do Until… loop
The other Do loops
Summarizing the loops

The For Loop
Introduction to For loops
Examples of For loops

This course is distributed with:
Exercises, with sample files, that allow users to practice in Visual Basic
A file containing the text of the exercises
Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to the Visual Basic product
A Visual Basic glossary


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