Go BackSQL Server 6.5: Database Administration

SQL Server 6.5: Database Administration provides instruction on creating and maintaining databases and database logs. It also explains how to use DBCC to maintain the efficiency and reliability of Microsoft ® SQL Server TM 6.5 databases.

This course is for anyone preparing for the MCSE Exam 70-026 System Administration for Microsoft ® SQL Server TM 6.5 or anyone who needs to manage data storage and databases.

4 hours

Product Code: SQSC04
After completing SQL Server 6.5: Database Administration, the user should be able to:
Create and alter a database
Estimate space requirements for database storage
Set database options
Check object integrity
Investigate a database that is marked suspect

Defining, Altering, and Maintaining Databases and Logs
Database Creation
Making Databases Larger or Smaller
Setting Database Options

Detecting and Resolving Database Corruption
DBCC and Performance

This course is distributed with
Exercises, with sample files, that allow users to practice in SQL Server 6.5
A file containing the text of the exercises
Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to the SQL Server 6.5 product
A SQL Server 6.5 glossary


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