Go BackSQL Server 6.5: Users and Replication

SQL Server 6.5: Users and Replication provides instruction on implementing security and user administration and on configuring replication in Microsoft ® SQL Server TM 6.5.

This course is for anyone preparing for the MCSE Exam 70-026 System Administration for Microsoft ® SQL Server TM 6.5 or a system administrator who needs to implement a security regimen for users accessing SQL Server 6.5 or who needs to configure replication.

4 hours

Product Code: SQSC03
After completing SQL Server 6.5: Users and Replication, the user should be able to:
Set up a security mode
Identify how SQL Server is integrated with Windows NT
Manage user accounts
Manage permissions
Identify and implement the appropriate replication scenario

Security and User Administration
SQL Server Standard Logins
SQL Server Integrated Logins
Database Access
Login Approaches and Password Approaches

Introduction to SQL Server 6.5 Replication
Prerequisites for SQL Server Replication
System Tables Used in Replication
Configuring the Servers
Manual Synchonization
Configuring the Servers

This course is distributed with
Exercises, with sample files, that allow users to practice in SQL Server 6.5
A file containing the text of the exercises
Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to the SQL Server 6.5 product
A SQL Server 6.5 glossary


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