Go BackOracle: Developer/2000 Integration

Oracle: Developer/2000 Integration explores the incorporation of Oracle Graphics displays into an application and the integration of Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, Oracle Graphics, and Oracle Procedure Builder applications through a single point of entry for the user.

This course is for programmers who need to learn how to integrate all the parts of an application that includes forms, reports, graphics, and procedures using the Oracle Developer/2000 development environment.

4 hours

Product Code: ORDC05
After completing Oracle: Developer/2000 Integration, the user should be able to:
Create a parameter-driven display
Pass parameters from Oracle Forms to Oracle Graphics
Create a format trigger to conditionally modify a chart
Import an image file
Create multiple environments for development, testing, demonstration, training, and production
Recognize GUI styles and standards
Optimize memory, disk space, and performance
Insert OLE2 objects into an Oracle database

Developing Oracle Graphics Applications
Referencing a Parameter in a SQL Statement
Drill-Down Charts
Open, Format, and Timer Triggers
Importing an Image

Integration and Deployment in the Windows Environment
Setting up Multiple Application Environments
GUI Styles and Standards
Memory, Disk Space, and Performance
Modifying OLE2 Containers at Runtime

This course is distributed with
Exercises, with sample files, that allow users to practice in Oracle Developer/2000
A file containing the text of the exercises
Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to the Oracle Developer/2000 product
An Oracle Developer/2000 glossary


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