Go BackMVS: Basic Operations

MVS: Basic Operations teaches how to use the operator console and MVS system commands to control the operating system.

The material in this course applies to all releases of the MVS operating system since the original release of MVS/ESA. The majority of the concepts presented can be used in all releases of MVS.

Information that is specific to a particular release of MVS (for example: OS/390 MVS) will be clearly labeled. Otherwise, when you see MVS in this course, it refers to MVS/ESA and all subsequent releases.

This course is for anyone who will operate MVS consoles.

4 - 6 hours

Product Code: OPR101
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
Describe the types of consoles and the console screen format
Read system messages and delete messages
Manage the console display area
Monitor system activity
Manage jobs and tasks
Manage hardware devices and respond to problems
Issue broadcast messages
Display and set PF key assignments

Describes the types of consoles and console screen format.  Covers system messages and message deletion.  Explains console display and management.
Types of Consoles
Master console.  Secondary consoles.  Alternate consoles.  Hardware consoles.  Console screen format.
Message format.  Action messages.  Outstanding replies.  Informational messages.  Displaying and setting message deletion parameters.  Manual message deletion.
Display Management
Displaying system requests.  Displaying date and time.  PA keys. Display areas: defining, scrolling, erasing and deleting.

Monitoring System Activity
Presents the DISPLAY command.  Covers JCL errors and ABENDs.
Displaying System Activity
Displaying active jobs and users.
Job and Task Termination
Normal termination.  JCL errors.  ABENDs.

Job and Task Management
Covers the START and MODIFY commands and the STOP and CANCEL commands.
Starting a task.  Modifying job or task parameters.
STOP & CANCEL Commands
Stopping a job or task.  Canceling a job or task.  Forcing a job or task to terminate.  Controlling throughput.  Duplicate jobs.  Data set enqueues.

Device Management
Covers the D M, VARY and D U commands.  Discusses device management problems, device intervention and device checks.  Covers SWAP and MOUNT commands.
D M, VARY and D U Commands
Hardware architecture.  Displaying configuration information.  Placing device paths online or offline.  Placing I/O devices online or offline.  Mount requests.  Displaying device status.
Problem Resolution
Pending allocations.  Volume enqueues.  Device intervention.  Device checks.  Swapping a volume.  Changing device mount attributes.  Path problems.

Broadcast Messages
Covers the SEND and LOG commands.
SEND & LOG Commands
Sending a message to TSO users.  Broadcast data set messages: storing, displaying and deleting.  Sending a message to MVS consoles.  Storing messages in the system log.

PF Key Assignments
Defines PF Keys.  Explains how to display and modify PF keys.
Displaying and Setting
Displaying PF key assignments.  Setting PF key assignments.


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