Go BackMoney 98: Plan and Budget for Life

Money 98: Plan and Budget for Life provides an introduction to Microsoft Money 98 and how to use it to budget your finances, prepare taxes, and make long-term financial plans.

This course is for anyone who is interested in learning how to use Microsoft Money 98 to handle more than creating simple accounts and balancing a checkbook.

4 hours

Product Code: MNYC02
After completing Money 98: Plan and Budget for Life, the user should be able to:
Reconcile accounts
Customize reports
Configure Bill Reminder
Record recurring bill payments
Set up automatic and electronic payments
Create a budget
Create and export tax related reports

Reconciling Accounts with Statements
Reconciling an account
Assuring that the balance of an account is correct
Marking cleared transactions

Viewing Financial Reports
Customizing reports
Viewing financial data in a variety of charts
Saving customized reports in a Favorites list

Paying Bills
Configuring Bill Reminder
Recording recurring bill payments
Setting up automatic and electronic payments

Creating a Budget
Entering income and expenses in budget form
Calculating budget amounts from Money 98 reports
Budgeting savings to cover occasional expenditures

Preparing for Your Taxes
Modifying categories for tax-related information
Creating tax related reports
Exporting tax information to tax preparation software

This course is distributed with:
Exercises that allow users to practice in Money 98
A file containing the text of the exercises
Simulations that allow users to practice course skills, even if they don't have access to Money 98
A Money 98 glossary


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