Go BackCustomer Service: Defining Service

Customer Service: Defining Service explains the concept of company-wide customer service and standards.

This course is for anyone who wants to learn about creating and maintaining good customer service.

4 hours

Product Code: CUSC01
After completing Customer Service: Defining Service, the user should be able to:

Define "customers" and "service"
Gather repeat business
Get the entire company involved in good service
Create standards of customer service
Define a business's customer segments

Understanding "Customers" and "Service"
Define service
Don't confine service
Human to human
Customers are not just "buyers"
Service goes beyond "May I help you?"

Bringing the Customer Back
Great expectations
Repeats repeats repeats
From their mouths to your wallet

Making the Mission a Priority
Mission: mission
Beyond greed: why service goes bad
Costs and ambitions

Getting Everyone Involved
The great debate
Culture and style
Make customer service everyone's job
Make customer service part of pay

Service from the Top Down
Management model
Creating a culture of cooperation
21 ways to know it's working

Creating Service Standards
The "instant of absolute judgment"
Standards to the rescue
"SMARTS" service
Using your "SMARTS"
What should you standardize?

Implementing Service Standards
Implementing standardized service
Can you standardize "niceness?"

Customer Segments
Exactly alike only different
Divide and serve
Why segment?
Some are more equal than others

Segmenting Your Customers
Slicing & dicing
Fire some customers!

This course has the following features:
Exercises that allow users to explore how a course topic applies to their own real-world situations
A file containing the text of the exercises
A course index
A glossary
A Skill Assessment


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