Go BackC in 21 Days: Week 3

C in 21 Days: Week 3 begins with advanced pointer topics and moves on to the use of disk files for data storage and retrieval.  It also covers advanced function topics and explores the function library in more detail.  The week ends with a discussion of memory management, header files, and preprocessor directives.  Sample listings, complete with sample output and an analysis of code, illustrate the topics of the day.

This course is for the beginning programmer or for the experienced programmer who wants to learn C.

8 - 12 hours

Product Code: CLGC03
After completing C in 21 Days: Week 3, the user should be able to:
Use pointers in more complex ways
Use disk files and perform file management functions
Use string manipulation, math, time, and error-handling functions
Get more from functions through the interaction of pointers and functions
Allocate, reallocate and free memory at runtime
Use type casts with variables and pointers
Access arguments passed to the program on the command line
Manipulate individual bits
Apply the principles of modular programming
Use preprocessor directives

Day 15: More on Pointers
Shows how to declare a pointer to a pointer.  Demonstrates how to use pointers with multidimensional arrays.  Explains how to declare arrays of pointers.  Describes how to declare pointers to functions.

Day 16: Using Disk Files
Discusses relating streams to disk files.  Identifies C's two disk file types.  Shows how to open a file, write data to a file, read data from a file, and close a file.  Describes disk file management.  Discusses using temporary files.

Day 17: Manipulating Strings
Covers how to determine the length of a string.  Examines how to copy and join strings.  Explores functions that compare strings.  Shows how to search strings, convert strings, and test characters.

Day 18: Getting More from Functions
Describes using pointers as arguments to functions.  Explains using type void pointers as arguments.  Shows how to use functions with a variable number of arguments.  Demonstrates how to return a pointer from a function.

Day 19: Exploring the Function Library
Demonstrates using the math, time, and error-handling functions.  Examines functions for searching and sorting data.

Day 20: Odds and Ends
Discusses type conversions.  Covers allocating and freeing memory storage.  Shows how a program can use argc and argv[] to access DOS command-line arguments.  Demonstrates how to manipulate the individual bits in integer variables using bitwise operators.  Shows how to use bit fields in structures.

Day 21: Taking Advantage of Preprocessor Directives and More
Explains how to program with multiple source-code files.  Demonstrates how to use preprocessor directives to create function macros, for conditional compilation, and other tasks.

Week 3 in Review
Presents a program that uses the skills learned during the week.

Provides reference tables for the ASCII character chart, C reserved words, and binary and hexadecimal notation.  Lists example programs.
This course includes the following materials:

    C Glossary
    Files of sample program listings and answers to programming exercises


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