Go BackA+ Certification: Maintenance Tasks

A+ Certification: Maintenance Tasks explains how to clean and otherwise maintain the main components of computers, and provides a schedule of preventive maintenance procedures.

This course is for anyone preparing for the A+ Certification Core Exam and the DOS/Windows module.

6 hours

Product Code: APCC13
After completing A+ Certification: Maintenance Tasks, the user should be able to:
Create a regular preventive maintenance schedule
Prevent and remove viruses
Perform software maintenance on hard disk drives
Effectively clean floppy disk drives and printers

Preventive Maintenance
Keeping PCs clean
Implementing preventive maintenance
Preventive-maintenance schedule

Preventing and Detecting Viruses
What are viruses?
Virus symptoms
Virus protection practices

Maintaining Hard Drives
Hard-disk drives
Hard-disk drive utilities

Maintaining Floppy Disk Drives
Protecting disks
Maintaining the floppy drive

Maintaining Printers
Dot-matrix and ink-jet printers
Laser printers

This course is distributed with:
Exercises that allow users to practice hardware and software maintenance and repair
A file containing the text of the exercises
A glossary of computer maintenance, repair, and software terms


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