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Steady state plant simulator



Mineral processing engineers are faced with diverse technical problems of design and optimization.

In an existing plant, they often have to adapt the plant to new constraints, either external (changes in concentrate specifications, orientation toward different markets, need to increase production) or internal (changes in ore grade or liberation size, etc.).  Even if, at a given time, they do not have to face immediate problems of plant adaptation, it is unlikely that some aspect of the process could not be improved to generate substantial savings or increases in capacity.

However, it is difficult to evaluate any potential solution for adapting or improving the plant configuration, because industrial tests carried out to assess a potential solution are generally difficult to organize, costly, and difficult to evaluate.

Engineers in charge of designing and manufacturing equipment for mineral processing plants have to be able to rapidly select the most suitable piece of equipment for each application and to predict its performance under the different conditions of use anticipated by the customer.  In other cases, the manufacturing companies would like to provide a computer tool to help the plant operators obtain the best results from the equipment.


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Process engineers responsible for the design of a new plant must at all stages of the project make efficient use of the results of experiments carried out for the purpose of optimizing the installation:

  • After the initial laboratory tests, it is necessary to draw up a general flowsheet of the future plant and evaluate approximately its capital cost.  At this stage it is important to complete a preliminary project rapidly
  • During the pilot plant tests, it is necessary not only to keep the cost of the pilot operations as low as possible - especially if the final investment decision has not yet been made - but also to use the pilot results to dimension the future equipment of the plant and to determine, from the possible flowsheet configurations, the best solution to meet the technical and economic requirements

For all such processing problems, recent advances have developed new ways to address these problems.  Computer methods of steady-state simulation allow the mineral processing engineer to assess a large number of possible solutions in a reasonably short time, leading to much better designed and more optimized plants.

Steady-state mineral processing plant simulation

A steady-state mineral processing plant simulator is a software package capable of predicting plant operation according to the characteristics of the ore feed and the circuit.  The prediction of water and ore streams of the plant operated at steady-state under given conditions is called direct simulation, and the back-calculation of parameters of plant configuration (such as the required size of a piece of equipment) to obtain a given operation of the plant is called reverse simulation.

USIM PAC [Broussaud et al., 1988 through 1991, Guillaneau et al., 1992] is an advanced simulator.  It also offers many other capabilities for data input, display of results, and data processing including material balance computation, model parameter estimation, direct, reverse and objective driven simulation, plant capital investment estimation, etc. (See Figure 1).

Figure 1. Main functions of a steady-state simulator

Steady-state simulation does not compete with dynamic simulation: it is not a lower or higher level of simulation.  Whereas dynamic simulation is an essential tool for the design of  process control strategies and a key element of advanced process control systems, steady-state simulation is an essential tool for plant design and pre-control optimization: it is adequate to optimize the circuit design and the dimensions of the units of equipment before the implementation of a process control system.

Steady-state simulation is a very effective approach for plant design since it enables:

  • a great number of hypotheses to be considered regarding flowsheet, equipment, etc.
  • the processing equipment and the material handling equipment units to be sized
  • the configuration of an almost optimal industrial plant to be attained in a very short time

It is also used as an operational aid for decision making in existing plants, such as:

  • improving the flowsheet or adapting to changes in the ore or in the concentrate market
  • choosing the settings or operating parameters of certain units of equipment

The changes generated by the availability of mineral processing plant simulators are very deep and the time has come when the role of the experiments is being reconsidered.   Whereas experiments traditionally aimed at small-scale reproduction of all process configurations considered for an industrial plant, the aim in the near future will be to help in the selection of unit operations models, to generate data to fit unit operation models and to verify simulation results.

Unit operation models

The main components of a simulator are:

  • the simulation software, per se, which enables communication between user and simulator and coordination of calculations: as this is the only component visible to the user, it is often called "the simulator"
  • mathematical models for unit operations (see Figure 2), which constitute the core of the system, albeit they are buried inside the simulator as subroutines

The USIM PAC software is delivered with an extensible library of 36 unit operation models.  These models are classified into four levels; Level 0 to Level 3, according to their increasing level of complexity.  This does not mean that Level 3 models are better, per se, than other models, but only that each model level is better adapted to some kinds of application.


Figure 2. Unit operation model

Level 0 models do not predict how units will perform: they simply calculate output streams from a specification on unit performance given by the software user.  For instance, for a grinding mill, a Level 0 model is a model for which the d80 of the particle size distribution at the output of the mill and possibly its slope, are specified.  These models, sometimes called flowsheeting models, are essential for the first steps of a new plant design project.

Level 1, 2 and 3 models are predictive models and most of them are phenomenological models.  They predict the particle size distribution at the outlet of the mill and calculate the power draw as a function of mill feed, size and load.

Level 1 models rely on Bond's energetic approach, perfected by Rowland and Kjos [1978], whereas Level 3 models are based on the population balance approach and an assumption on the relationship between the selection function and the energy available both developed by Herbst [1973].  Level 2 models [Broussaud et al. 1986 and 1988] are a simplified form of Level 3 models.

Level 3 models are the most accurate, but their application requires more experimental work (e.g. determination of breakage and selection matrices from laboratory experiments).  Level 1 models are adequate to solve most preliminary design problems.

General features of USIM PAC

USIM PAC was not designed to be used by computer experts, but by mineral processing specialists.  It consequently offers the following user friendly features:

The data input and the presentation of results make use of graphics and a vocabulary familiar to industry personnel. The flowhseet is shown in the traditional graphic form; most parameters have a clear physical meaning: phase flowrate, component grades, particle size and mineral distributions, volumes, mill diameter, tank volumne, weight, rotation speed, etc.

Data entry is interactive, clear and simple. The user can at any time modify data entered earlier on the same dialog box or a previous one. Extensive data checking by the program reduces the risk of problems due to typing errors. The data are stored in a form which allows them to be displayed, reused, or modified easily. The methodology used to develop USIM PAC contributes to its reliability and robustness.

In order to satisfy the varied requirements of users, USIM PAC may be used at three different levels:

Interactive user level: This is the "normal" mode of use. It is the only level used by a mineral processing engineer to solve a practical problem. At this level, the program is totally "user friendly."

Setup level: It is possible to rapidly modify many of USIM PAC's parameters to adapt it to a particular context, for example, the inclusion of special jargon used in a plant, or suppression or creation of the possibility of accessing a parameter interactively. These modifications are implemented via configuration options.

Programming level: The purchaser of USIM PAC can create new icons to represent the devices on a flowsheet, or new equipment simulation models. Models and icons are introduced in the form of FORTRAN subroutines, which must respect a few simple, well-defined rules. These subroutines must be compiled and linked with an object code module supplied with the USIM PAC Development Kit. A FORTRAN compiler and linker are provided with the USIM PAC Development Kit.

This flexibility makes it possible to satisfy the need of some USIM PAC users to insert their own models in the software, and to provide a legal guarantee on the delivered object code.

The user may also insert into the program completely new functions taking some or all of their data from USIM PAC files.


Software Requirements & Pricing

USIM PAC runs under any of the Microsoft Windows operating systems since version 3.1. It requires 2MB of free memory. 6MB of free memory, a VGA or better monitor, and a graphical printer are recommended.

USIM PAC 2.1 $13,500*
USIM PAC 2.1 Development Kit $6,000*

*Prices given in US Dollars.

For more information on USIM PAC or other BRGM software, contact Philippe Blot.